Of public exhibition | 5/11-6/3 photoplace gallery
April 11, 2016Jury selection!
I’m happy to share that a photo from my Intimate Nature II collection has been selected for display in PhotoPlace Gallery’s online gallery annex as part of their upcoming exhibit, Up Close and Personal.
I really do hope some of you jump over to the exhibit website and take a scroll through the selected photos−they’re great! Regarding my contribution, this photo of an albino rabbit was taken with my Olympus OM-D E-M5 and Leica DG Macro-Elmarit 45/f2.8 at the Marshfield Fair.
Juror’s Statement, Up Close and Personal:
“The photographs submitted for Up Close and Personal show us a world that can easily be overlooked. Moving in close to a subject often brings attention to fascinating elements that would otherwise be missed, it is my favorite way to photograph. You can choose to highlight a subject’s lines, colors, texture, pattern, to draw attention to a particular part of a larger subject and it can be done anywhere!
In jurying this show, I looked for creative photographs that celebrated a close up view, images where the light was appropriate for the subject, focus was well placed, and everything included in the frame served a purpose and added to the story being told. I looked for photos that showed me small things in a big way.
Thank you to everyone who submitted photos to this challenge, you did not make my job easy! I was really impressed by the variety in subject matter submitted, and the quality of the photos was also wonderful. Isolating a subject in this manner takes a great deal of attention to detail and that level of thought and care is readily seen in these photographs.”
PhotoPlace Gallery is located in Middlebury, Vermont.